woman in black tank top and black leggings sitting on gray bench


An 8-week group coaching program that helps busy women break free from the prison of perfectionism so they can reach their fitness goals & have more energy to get sh*t done

Join the waitlist for next time!

In Burnout Bootcamp, you'll learn EXACTLY how to put your health + wellness on your to-do list in realistic, doable ways so you can FINALLY feel like a human again.

Let's find out if this is the right program for you . . .

  • You're constantly overwhelmed by your never-ending-to-do list, leaving you exhausted and with zero time or energy for yourself. You're stuck in a cycle of burnout, feeling like you can never catch a break.

  • Your schedule is pure chaos, making it impossible to find a moment to breath, let alone focus on your fitness goals. You want to be more organized but don't even know where to start.

  • You feel trapped by perfectionism, constantly striving to meet unrealistic standards. This pressure is paralyzing, and you're afraid of failing, so you avoid starting anything new.

  • Despite wanting to lose weight, you feel too busy and stressed to even think about it. The thought of adding one more thing to your plate feels impossible.

  • You know what you should be doing for your health, but the sheer volume of information out there leaves you feeling confused and unsure. You need more personalized guidance, not generic advice from people who don't understand your demanding schedule.

  • You're tired of restrictive diets and the guilt that comes with every indulgence. You want to enjoy food again.

  • You've attempted to start your fitness journey countless times, but each time, life gets in the way, and you're left feeling like you've failed yet again. You're ready to finally see those dang results.

men's black leggings


  • Mastering stress management techniques that actually fit into your busy schedule. Imagine feeling a sense of calm, even on your craziest days, knowing you have the tools to handle anything life throws at you.

  • Transforming your chaotic schedule into an organized plan that works for you. Think about finding those precious pockets of time for yourself and finally fitting in your fitness goals without sacrificing your other responsibilities.

  • Breaking free from the prison of perfectionism. Visualize yourself setting realistic goals, taking action without fear of failure, and celebrating every step of your progress.

  • Having simplified fitness and nutrition plans tailored for your busy life. Imagine losing weight and gaining energy with easy-to-follow plans that adapt to your hectic lifestyle. No more stress about fitting it all in.

  • Getting personalized guidance that's all about YOU. No more generic advice - just tailored solutions that work for your unique body and lifestyle leading you to REAL RESULTS.

  • Enjoying flexible, guilt-free eating habits. Say goodbye to restrictive diets and hello to a balanced, joyful approach to eating.

  • Developing consistency strategies that work in real life. Meaning you can stay on track with your fitness goals, even when life gets chaotic.


My burnout story...

The chaos began in college when my sanity was replaced with sleepless nights, migraines, and trying to function off vending machine food and energy drinks.

Fast forward to graduation spring 2020 when the world was shutdown and all my job interviews were cancelled. I was stressed about paying my bills and finding a job.

When I finally found one, I felt so much pressure to perform well that I would second guess my decisions and felt paralyzed by my perfectionism.

I would feel the anxiety building in my chest as I drove to work each morning, and each night I'd cope with the stress of my day by running through the drive thru for junk food on the way home.

My body started to rapidly deteriorate as my hair fell out in chunks, my resting heart rate and blood pressure rose; I felt like I was stuck in survival mode.

I was put on anxiety and depression meds, along with a few others, to help treat my symptoms, but it wasn't until I started exercising that I REALLY started to feel good again.

I eventually was able to come off ALL of my medications, and I found a true love for fitness and nutrition. I ultimately decided to quit my job and pursue my new found passion.

I created this program to be EXACTLY what I wish I would of had in that season of life to pull me out from the hole I had trapped myself in.

Video Trainings

You'll find everything you need to know to succeed at reaching your fitness goals in the following 4 modules:

MINDSET MASTERY - Understanding Stress & Shaping Positive Perspectives

Understanding WHY you feel the way you do and identifying WHAT has been holding you back from reaching your health & fitness goals.

CALMING THE CHAOS - Stress Management & Self Care Essentials

Learning HOW to manage your stress and PREVENT it from spiraling into burnout.

BALANCED BITES - Navigating Nutrition & Busy Lives

How to properly SUPPORT your body for optimal physical & mental health, and how to stay on track even during the busiest of weeks.

ROUTINES FOR RESILIENCE - Mastering Mindful Living Strategies

There are going to be days where you don't feel like showing up, so it's important to have structure in place so a bad day DOESN'T become a bad week or a bad month. This is how you actually GET RESULTS + KEEP THEM!

What to expect in Burnout Bootcamp:


For each workout you'll find video demonstrations for each exercise, so you never have to second guess if you're doing it right! There are different length workouts depending on how much time you have available, and your daily habit tracker will pop up right on your home screen.


Whether you don't have a gym membership, or it's an exceptionally busy week & you just don't have time for an added commute there's options for workouts based on the equipment you have available.


You'll receive lifetime access to a PDF of the workout plan so you can continue crushing it after the 8 weeks have ended.

Workout Plans


Each time you complete a workout a notification will be sent to the chat so your fellow participants can cheer you on and celebrate your progress with you. This is also where you can ask any questions throughout your journey, and share your struggles with other hard working women who are on a health & fitness journey just like you.


Every other week you will complete a check in via google forms. I will then record a group response video that can be watched whenever is convenient for you!


Perfectionism is NORMAL for high-achievers, but it's also keeping you trapped in a never-ending stress cycle that will lead to burnout if you don't make a change.

Have you THOUGHT about getting your sh*t together, but it's just never the right time?

Why summer is THE best time to do this

EVERYTHING in this program can be incorporated ANYWHERE

woman sitting on poolside setting both of her feet on pool
woman sitting on poolside setting both of her feet on pool

Don't spend ANOTHER summer feeling miserable - take action!

Vacation coming up?

Eating out guide + quick no equipment workout options

Changing working hours?

Zero set time commitments - you do this on YOUR schedule

You keep saying yes to everyone else and NO to yourself and you wonder why you feel terrible - it's obvious, isn't it?

THIS is your opportunity to say YES to yourself and FINALLY escape the burnout you're trapped in.